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How to pack for a trip? Choose wisely!

How to pack for a trip? Choose wisely!

When we plan a trip, the first thing that we start looking forward to are the places that we’ll visit, the tours that we’ll take, and especially, at least for me, the food that we’ll enjoy. Most likely, the last thing you'll think about is how to pack everything you want to take with you into your suitcase. Should I take that coat I never wear but that’s really nice? Do I take four pairs of pants? How many shirts will I need for a 3-week trip?

Sometimes all these questions come up a night before you leave, when you finally decide to get to work and start packing. If you're like me and pack until the last day, the best thing to do is to start planning ahead what you'll be bringing and have a clear idea. When the time comes, you just have to play a little “Tetris” with your belongings and put them inside the suitcase you've chosen.

Of course, congested airports and restrictions have played an important role in every traveler's needs lately. Some prefer to avoid the luggage band altogether and carry everything they will use for a 3-week trip in a small hand luggage, while others take full advantage of the weight their plane ticket allows.

Here are some tips on how to pack wisely and not carry extra weight, no matter how long you are staying:


Don't take those shoes!

Some of the biggest hindrances when it comes to packing are shoes. Take the ones you will use to travel and an extra pair, just two or three pairs is more than enough. Think about where you are going. Is it a city? A beach? Both? Choose according to this criterion.

Mix it up!

If you want to pack light, you must be creative in choosing what you’ll wear. Take with you outfits that can be combined with each other and that you like enough to use several times.

Does it wrinkle? Out!

To save space, there's nothing like rolling up your clothes and push them into even the smallest spaces available. If that's the way you pack, don't take clothes that can crease easily if your accommodation doesn't have an iron, or you'll have to bring one yourself!

Where's the fun in taking everything with you?

Don't pack too much; you'll need the space to take home an important part of your adventure. Shopping in destination is one of the great pleasures of traveling. Shirts and blouses are perfect souvenirs of your travels, so don’t pack too many or bring home a pair of local shoes and spare a pair.

Follow these tips and you are set to travel light and comfortable with only the necessities. Don’t forget to have fun with NexusTours, Your Local expert!